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All I’ve wanted to do recently, is to sit and read and create and forget the to-do lists reeling through my mind. So I’ve taken the chances, as they present themselves, to sit and enjoy my families and friend’s company; for I know that all too soon the seasons will change and the business of the daily farm life will be the master of my time.

I so long to be content in the here and now. Isn’t it so challenging to not be completely overwhelmed by the to-do’s of the here and now? Or the unknown of what tomorrow holds? In order to have this farm be successful, we are adding a few new things {which I will share about later} and adding some new directions to our current business repertoire. This requires lots of thought, lots of energy, lots of planning, lots of doing. And I tend to get snatched in an eddy of all the details like a leaf in a river.

This season will pass, I know that for sure. But in the mean time, I’ll continue to share here and hopefully it will be an encouragement that you are not alone if you are experiencing a similar season ;)

6 Comments leave one →
  1. 02.08.13 9:23 AM

    Beautiful Capture:) Sometimes you need to take a break among the chaos to recharge and reenergize – get the mind and body back in sync – take care of yourself, even for 5 minutes. Good Luck – Take Care – Happy Friday!

  2. 02.08.13 8:53 PM

    Beautiful photo. It’s true what cravesadventure said about taking little opportunities to rest and recharge. The other trick is to find the joy in doing all the things on your to-do list as you do them. It seems like there’s a part of you that already knows that, the part that sees these beautiful images and then captures them with a camera and shares them with others.

  3. 02.13.13 10:40 AM

    “I tend to get snatched in an eddy of all the details like a leaf in a river.”
    Love your writing on this piece Alicia. Thank the GHS Honors English program for that skill : )

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