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{the field at afton}



There is something stirring in my soul.  Actually, it’s not a stirring.  It’s more of a wrestling.  I’m honestly feeling very weary; yet there is a hope that continues to beat and pulse through me, helping me to continue on.  This morning I came back from my workout class and it was still dark- the sliver moon and stars were still sparkling & prominent in the sky as the mystical fog hugged the field close.  I came in, started the coffee maker, headed to the office and had some “me” time by reading blogs that inspire & encourage.  After about 30 minutes, I came out to make a vanilla {super light on the vanilla} & cinnamon latte, but as I rounded the door of the office I saw the above scene through our dining room window.

I ran and grabbed my camera.

As I changed my settings and peered through the lens, I felt a calm rest on me like the fog on the field.  Even though the chill in the air was biting, I just stood there.  Watching the sheep appear as the fog lifted over parts of the field.  Watching the sun’s warmth reveal more and more of the life in the field.  I stopped thinking.  My mind was still.  And I let the moment linger in my soul.

There is something about this place that truly speaks to me.  It brings me to tears- of both sorrow & frustration and of joy & peace.  It has changed me.  And there are times {that happen more often than I will ever share here and that I wish weren’t as often} that all I can see that this place has done, is to cover me in a blanket of fog.  I can’t see what’s under it.  I can’t feel the warmth of the sun that I know is there.  And I get mad.  I feel not myself.  But just as I stood this morning watching the life of the field slowly be revealed as the fog rolled back, I truly know that the fog covering me will be rolled back as well.  There is so much life under the fog, you just can’t see it and only bits are revealed at time. Having patience and seeing the beauty and splendor of the moment is a virtue I long to have; it seems that the process of receiving that virtue is a challenging one, and I am definitely not as patient as I thought ;)

I cannot express enough thanks to God that He speaks through His Creation to the souls of those waiting, willing, and wanting to hear and to receive.  It is well with my soul, Lord.  It is well with my soul.

9 Comments leave one →
  1. 10.11.12 8:40 AM

    I enjoyed your post and it reminds me of one of my favorite Wendell Berry poem, which brings me much peace when I am restless:


    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
    — Wendell Berry

  2. 10.11.12 10:25 AM

    Thanks for sharing…a blessing to my soul!

  3. Caleb Jones permalink
    10.11.12 12:45 PM

    Be still and enter the unknown.
    Let surrender and faith be your compass.
    Have faith that this is His plan unfolding.

    You will win the fight in your soul through surrender. He can dream a bigger dream than you could ever imagine, bigger meaning feeling more connected to yourself, life, other people, your authenticity, and the gifts you came to bring.

  4. 10.11.12 9:41 PM

    You inspire me with your honesty and your grounded-ness and I can only think that living so close to the earth gives you an insight that we city dwellers come by less frequently! Thank you for sharing your inner journey so eloquently!

  5. 01.24.13 8:40 PM

    beautiful, its so serene. makes me want to just sit with a cup of coffee and drink in the peace and quiet

    • 01.25.13 10:42 AM

      I try to do that each morning {and evening during the summer} and let it soak into my soul. It is truly peaceful, and as I share it with others, it helps me to chose to take time to open my eyes to it :)

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